Hello everyone, I am looking for some finance to aquire o.32 acres of land in surrey to build 8 -10 2 bedroom flats. the area is 1294.9941 m2. The land is in a choice urban part of surrey. The land cost £ 600.000. but I hope to offer 610.000 as there will be competion. You the investor will get your investment back plus 8% profit. you will exit at the end of the construction period of about a year.profit will be £48.800. you will own the land and at the end of the build I will pay you your return plus your profit and the land will be sold to me. The money needs to be in a solicitors account,and he will pay the vendor. The sale of the land is subject to me getting the right planning permission,so basically I need to bid for the land soon, but I will not need the money on till 2 or 3 months down the line,as sale is subject to planning. I can show you all the documents from the vendor later if there is an agreement. The money still needs to be in a solicitors account for me to show the vendor that I am serious. The money for the construction plus other costs will be bourne by me and other investors. All moneys will be handled by solicitors and paid directly to the vendor,on no phase of the project will I be handleing money. All flats will be good quality flats,no rubbish.but not top of the range.So if you are intrested to have an armchair investment then contact me at info@sussexfasthousesale.co.uk 0r phone 07724777040 all the best c.aqui